Describe Flame Arrestor Operation and Maintenance

Describe Flame Arrestor Operation and Maintenance - selecting, monitoring, and cleaning flame arrestors

Total Pages: 51

This flame arrestor training kit is for operators and maintenance personnel who select, monitor, and maintain flame arrestors.

This flame arrestor training kit has three parts:

  • self-instructional training module and self-check
  • knowledge check and answer key
  • blank knowledge check answer sheet

    Customer Comment
    "HDC’s kit on flame arrestors provides excellent training for operators and maintenance personnel. The kit is practical and useful. Flame propagation, arrestor operation, and arrestor applications are explained clearly and simply. The kit also provides practical information about maintenance requirements and conditions that can lead to flame arrestor failure."

    Robert Rajewski, President
    Tornado Technologies Inc.

    View the training objectives and table of contents.

    Download sample (PDF)

    Price for this kit is $59.00 Cdn per single license or
    $269.00 Cdn per site license.
