Describe and Operate Reciprocating Compressors

Describe and Operate Reciprocating Compressors.

Total Pages: 191

This reciprocating gas compressor training kit is for operators who start, monitor, adjust, shut down, and troubleshoot reciprocating compressors.

This reciprocating compressor training kit has six parts:

  • self-instructional training module and self-check
  • knowledge check and answer key
  • blank knowledge check answer sheet
  • performance check
  • exercise
  • job aid

    Customer Comment
    "The training kit Describe and Operate Reciprocating Compressors is one of the better training programs that I know. It has everything that an operator needs to know to be competent at monitoring and operating reciprocating compressors. I highly recommend this training. We plan to use the training for our operators."

    Doug Reves, Compressor Specialist
    Enerplus Resources Fund

    View the training objectives and table of contents.

    Download sample (PDF)

    Price for this kit is $89.00 Cdn per single license or
    $399.00 Cdn per site license.
