Describe Strategies to Control Losses

Describe Strategies to Control Losses - risk management concepts, risk analysis methods

Total Pages: 49

Supervisors, team leaders, and employees who work in an organization where safety and controlling losses to equipment, materials, environment, and the organization are important issues. This training kit is an introduction to the basic concepts of risk management and loss control. Methods for analyzing risk are briefly described. Programs to manage loss are identified. Elements common to many loss management programs are also identified. This kit is part of a series on risk assessment training.

This loss control training kit has three parts:

  • self-instructional training module and self-check
  • knowledge check and answer key
  • blank knowledge check answer sheet

    View the training objectives and table of contents.

    Download sample (PDF)

    Price for this kit is $49.00 Cdn per single license or
    $219.00 Cdn per site license.
