About the Author, Gordon Shand
| Gordon Shand is President of HDC Human Development Consultants Ltd. Gordon has thirty-five years of experience designing and developing educational and training programs. The Exemplary Worker series stems from an internal staff training program he developed for consultants. The internal program ensures consultants develop training programs that have excellent value and contribute to the customer’s business success.
Gordon has had the good fortune of working with many exemplary workers and supervisors in the course of developing training programs. Through observation and asking what they were thinking, he has developed unique insights and perspectives about thinking strategies that effective people use. His approach to applying the thinking strategies to the design and development of comprehensive training programs has benefited workers, supervisors, and organizations. Workers and, in particular, supervisors have expressed their appreciation for having training programs that address their concerns and reduce their stress. Supervisors have said, "I can now sleep at night". Workers have expressed their appreciation for the training—they say that they learn effectively and efficiently and have less stress in learning to work with new technology.
Gordon has written The Exemplary Worker book series to capture many thinking strategies that exemplary workers use to work effectively, efficiently, and safely and make decisions in the best interest of their organizations.
Now you can learn new and different ways to think through your work to work more effectively and with less effort. Increase your job satisfaction and potential for job security and promotion.