January 14, 2015
The Exemplary Worker book series
This series of seven books focuses on the critical thinking strategies exemplary workers use to maintain outstanding performance. Exemplary workers know what is important to their jobs and organizations—they put their efforts in the right places by doing the most important things, doing them safely, effectively, and efficiently. These books are for:
- Individuals who want to have outstanding performance
- Supervisors who want staff to be more effective
- Trainers who want to contribute to improved corporate, job, and employee performance
- Trades and technology instructors who want their apprentices and students to work safely and effectively
- Instructional designers who want to ensure that training is relevant, useful, and practical
- HR managers who want to improve the development and retention of exemplary workers
- Operations staff who want to optimize production and minimize losses

Coming Soon! Interviewing to Gather Relevant Content for Training |
Powerful Strategies for interviewing Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to gather training content that contributes to business success. Improve employee, job, and corporate performance There are many challenges when interviewing Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to gather relevant content for training. Experienced workers often have difficulties in identifying content for training; they cannot separate the chaff from the wheat. This book provides strategies you need to provide the leadership to direct the SME to identify relevant training content—content that contributes to improved worker, job, and corporate (organization /business) performance. Click here to read about this book.
Applying the Critical thinking Strategies to Develop Customized Training HDC consultants apply many of the thinking strategies used by exemplary workers when developing your training programs to ensure measurable improved on-the-job performance.
Give Gordon Shand a call at (780) 463-3909 to discuss how HDC can refine/develop your technical training programs to ensure your assets are used effectively—optimize production, minimize losses.
April 9, 2010
We have published a new training kit on separators.
Here's what Wade Martineau of SemCams has to say about this training kit:
"HDC continues to offer first class training modules for a wide variety of applications. The training kit Describe and Operate Separators is a very well written module. It encompasses many of the different types of separators that we use in the field and is a necessary part of our training library. HDC helped develop our in-house site training program for our Operations staff over ten years ago. We still continue to use that program today and it has proven itself to be an invaluable tool for the development of our staff."
Wade Martineau, Operations Supervisor SemCams |
To view the kit description, training objectives, table of contents, and download a sample, click on Describe and Operate Separators.
You can purchase this separator training kit from this website; the price is:
personal license: $39.00 Canadian site licence: $179.00 Canadian
A special thanks to the following companies that provided input into the development of this kit: Anderson Energy, Husky Energy, and SemCams. Their many years of experience in operating and troubleshooting separators have contributed to making this kit practical and useful.
November 3, 2009
DESKTOP PUBLISHER/TECHNICAL ILLUSTRATOR OPENINGHDC is looking for a desktop publisher/technical illustrator to design and illustrate technical manuals on the PC using Adobe Illustrator and MS Word. Using Creative Suite and maintaining the computer database, software, and Windows network are assets. Long- term position. Closing date November 10, 2009. E-mail your resume to or fax it to (780) 450-9174.
August 20, 2009
NEW TRAINING KIT FOR PURCHASEWe have published a new training kit on reciprocating compressors.
Here's what Doug Reves of Enerplus Resources Fund has to say about this training kit:
"The training kit Describe and Operate Reciprocating Compressors is one of the better training programs that I know. It has everything that an operator needs to know to be competent at monitoring and operating reciprocating compressors. I highly recommend this training. We plan to use the training for our operators."
Doug Reves, Compressor Specialist Enerplus Resources Fund
To view the kit description, training objectives, table of contents, and download a sample, click here.
You can purchase this kit from this website; the price is:
personal license: $39.00 Canadian site licence: $179.00 Canadian
A special thanks to the following companies that provided input into the development of this kit: Anderson Energy, Ariel Corporation, and Enerplus Resources Fund. Their many years of experience in operating and troubleshooting reciprocating compressors have contributed to making this kit practical and useful. August 13, 2009
We are offering a two day SafeThink™ training course on September 30 and October 1, 2009 in Edmonton, Alberta.
We have created a separate website for our innovative safety program to train workers to use a structured critical thinking strategy to identify and predict hazardous situations. The vision—“Zero illness and injury”. The strategy—SafeThink™.
To learn more about SafeThink™ and register for the course, click on |
August 6, 2009 NEW TRAINING KIT FOR PURCHASEWe have published a new training kit on centrifugal pumps.
Here's what Jim White of Hunt Oil Company has to say about this training kit:
"HDC's training kit Describe and Operate Centrifugal Pumps provides excellent training for a new operator. The content has the right amount of detail and focuses on issues important to operators. The training materials are insightful and easy to read and understand. I believe the training will boost the operator's confidence to monitor and operate centrifugal pumps safely and effectively."
Jim White, Manager of Health and Safety Hunt Oil Company
| To view the kit description, training objectives, table of contents, and download a sample, click here.
You can purchase this kit from this website; the price is:
personal license: $39.00 Canadian site licence: $179.00 Canadian
A special thanks to the following companies that provided input into the development of this kit: Hunt Oil Company, Spectra Energy, and Weir Floway Inc. Their many years of experience in operating and troubleshooting centrifugal pumps have contributed to making this kit practical and useful.
June 12, 2007
TRAINING KITSYou can now purchase a personal license for $39.00 Canadian. A great buy for reference and for training. Download samples from our website. Order on-line. To learn more, go to List of Training Kits.
We have created a separate website for our innovative safety program to train workers to use a structured critical thinking strategy to identify and predict hazardous situations. The vision—“Zero illness and injury”. The strategy—SafeThink™. To learn more, click on |
November 9, 2006
Thanks to valuable feedback from many of you, samples of our Training Kits can now be downloaded from our website. Click below for the list of kits and follow the links:
List of Training Kits
May 19, 2005
20 YEARS IN BUSINESSThis year, HDC celebrates an important anniversary—we’ve been developing technical training programs and competency-based performance systems for 20 years! A special thanks to our many customers—some who have continued to use our services for more than 15 years! We appreciate your support and recognition of our quality services and our commitment to adding value to your business. Thank you also to those who have contributed to our Customer Comments page on our website. Your confidence in HDC is truly rewarding.
In particular, I would like to thank HDC’s staff—they have been with us for many years throughout the economy’s ups and downs. Staff’s commitment to quality, their concern for customers, and their sense of fairness truly define our business.
All of us at HDC look forward to a continued relationship with our customers.
Gordon D. Shand President
STRATEGY FOR WORKERS TO IDENTIFY AND PREDICT HAZARDOUS SITUATIONSWe have developed an innovative structured critical thinking strategy for workers to identify and predict hazardous situations throughout the work cycle (before, while, and after the work is complete). Six companies have piloted/field tested the course for workers to learn the strategy. 85% of participants said that they would feel significantly safer or to a major degree safer if their co-workers and peers used the strategy. Feedback from workplaces has been positive, including:
- safe work permits are being filled out with more detail
- job planning is more thorough and rigorous
- co-workers who did not participate in the pilot/field test are recognizing the value of the strategy and are being more thoughtful in planning and performing their jobs to prevent illness and injury
To learn more about the structured critical thinking strategy and course, click on the following URL:
I would be pleased to meet with you or conduct a web conference to:
- explain the features, structure, and benefits of the strategy and course
- describe how the strategy can complement your existing health and safety initiatives
- discuss conducting a field test/pilot so that your staff can assess the strategy and course to determine its value for themselves, for the workplace, and for your company
Give me a call at (780) 463-3909 to set up a meeting or web conference.
Gordon D. Shand President
November 23, 2001
REGISTERED TRADEMARKHDC Human Development Consultants Ltd. was granted a registered trademark for the word LO-PEMEO ® on November 8, 2001. LO-PEMEO ® stands for Loss and Optimization of People, Equipment, Materials, Environment, and Organization. To learn more about how LO-PEMEO ® can be applied as a strategy to improve corporate, job, and employee performance, click here.