Commitment to Excellence
HDC's internal processes and quality standards produce quality products. Our competent and professional staff cost-effectively produce resources that meet your organization's exact training and operational needs.
Our internal training programs ensure that our staff continually improve their knowledge and skills. The following list is an example of the training that is provided to consultants.
- instructional design
- adult education
- testing and evaluation methods
- organizational effectiveness
- optimization strategies
- quality assurance
- safety and loss control
- environment
- industrial technology
- technical writing
- task analysis and procedure writing
- illustrations
- desktop publishing
- computer programs
- cost controls
Prior to starting a project with a new client, HDC also invests time to learn about the client's technology, processes, and management style.
To view a more indepth listing of the internal training that HDC consultants receive, click on the PDF file below. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file. If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you may download it free from Adobe's website.
Download HDC Consultant Training Profile (21K)

Commitment to Clients
HDC continually strives to optimize the value of our products and services.
HDC's flexible program development processes, quality standards, and professional staff ensure that your organization receives quality training programs designed to meet your specific needs.
HDC schedules on-site work to minimize disruptions to your daily operations.
HDC uses open and direct communication to understand and act upon your concerns and priorities.
HDC takes pride in developing practical training programs and reference resources geared to your organization's goals and budget.
At HDC Human Development Consultants Ltd., our bottom line is to serve our clients' best interests.
Read what John Martin of Duke Energy Corporation has to say:
"I have had an association over the past number of years with HDC in development of training manuals and programs and have always found their services and products to be of high caliber. Recently, for a facility under construction, HDC developed the Operating Manual, Training Program, and Operating Procedures. As expected, HDC delivered very high quality materials designed specifically for adult learners. HDC’s personnel are very efficient and knowledgeable in their roles, provide leadership in identifying critical content, and have a high degree of technical expertise. I would not hesitate in recommending HDC to any company requiring their services to develop training programs."
John Martin, Operations Team Leader Duke Energy Corporation
Many of HDC's customers have used its services for more than ten years—a testament to HDC's commitment to its customers' satisfaction. Click on Customer Comments to read what other customers say about caring for its clients.